- cwpadmin
- January 26, 2024
- D&D The Misfits
Today’s escapade in our grand adventure led us to the docks, where we were to meet our boat captain for the next leg of our journey. The man’s name? Captain Reginald “Salty” Seabreeze, a character as bizarre as his moniker.
At first glance, Captain Salty seemed like your typical sea dog – weather-beaten face, a beard that could house a family of sparrows, and a hat so large it’s a wonder he doesn’t topple over. His greeting? A hearty belch and a yarn about his “glorious” homeland, which, according to him, is famed for its… turnips. Yes, turnips. Apparently, they’re not just a root vegetable but the cornerstone of his people’s culture.
Now, here’s the twist – amidst his rambling tales of turnip festivals and his prized turnip tattoo (which he proudly displayed), he let slip a few hints about his past life. It turns out, our Captain Salty, the turnip enthusiast, was once a renowned healer! Who would have thought? The man who nearly fell off the dock while demonstrating a traditional turnip dance was a savior of souls in his homeland.
But shh, it’s a secret. Nobody’s supposed to know about his healing prowess. He prefers to be known for his less… lifesaving skills, like his uncanny ability to navigate through a storm while reciting turnip recipes.
So, we’re entrusting our lives to a turnip-loving, secret healer who navigates by the stars and the smell of the sea (or so he claims). This should be interesting.
May the winds be in our favor, and hopefully, Captain Salty’s healing skills are better than his balance!